
Avi Santoso

Samification is the process where competing technologies, frameworks, or ideas gradually converge toward a single, widely accepted standard. As best practices become well-documented and widely understood, differences between systems shrink until they follow the same core principles. This happens in web frameworks, where Svelte, Vue, and React now share similar features because developers have identified and adopted the most effective patterns. Over time, innovation slows, and frameworks become indistinguishable, leading to reduced incentives for creating new ones.

This phenomenon extends beyond frameworks into engineering practices, business strategies, and even AI models, as industries optimize toward efficiency and common standards. As systems evolve, controversial debates fade because most viable solutions have already been explored and refined. The value shifts from creating unique systems to effectively orchestrating existing ones. In this state of samification, technology stops advancing in major leaps and instead focuses on incremental improvements within an already defined structure.