The Value of Static Sites and My Blog Vision

Avi Santoso

There's a clear value proposition for creating static sites when building applications focused on displaying information, such as this blog. I've developed my own static site generator specifically for this site, designed to automatically create links between different articles.

I want this blog to be a place where people can get to know me. My goal is to provide enough valuable content that someone could spend a week or even two exploring all the material and learning from it.

I'm taking inspiration from Martin Fowler's blog, which has been critical in my own journey as a software engineer. He's been the most influential writer in my professional development. What's impressive about his site is the sheer volume of knowledge he's accumulated since 1996—about 880 entries over 20 years. You could spend a week or two going through his content and essentially learn everything he knows about software engineering.

The key to his blog's success is being indexed by Google. That's what I want for my own site—to expand it to that level and ensure it becomes a comprehensive repository of knowledge that's easily discoverable.